Corrections Tactical Operations - No longer knuckle draggers but Operators
We train corrections officers to be independent thinkers and problem solvers under some of the most stressful situation possible. In the past the role of the "CERT" Operators was just to grab 5 to 7 or your biggest guys, a shield and "drive the train" right onto the inmate. After the CERT team entered the cell and attempted to plaster the inmate against the back wall....everything goes side ways. The inmate never stand just still, they just don't let you get your assigned " quadrants", and they always comply...not!
This is why we had had to evolve...this is why we are here. We strive to ensure that the operators who come to our courses leave with a better understanding of what entails to do the job that we have to do and how to do it in the times we are living in now.
This video is just a quick clip of some the the teams, made of Of different departments, are working on perfecting the Clearing of pods as well as proper CQC shotguns manipulation and movement. Thank you and hope you enjoy!
Being able to properly rescue an fellow officer, civilian or even inmate, is a must know for a corrections tactical operator.