ALS Less Lethal Instructors Course - Open to Patrol and Corrections
This instructor level course covers the entire line of munitions
manufactured by ALS - Pacem Defense. Upon graduation, students will be certified to train others
within their department as end users in the deployment and use of OC aerosols, kinetic energy
impact projectiles, chemical agents, noise/flash diversionary devices and stun munitions.
Cost: $890.45 per student
History of Less-Lethal Munitions
12 gauge
37MM & 40MM Launchers
Use of Force Reporting Procedures Direct
Indirect Munitions Technological Advancements
Legal Issues Stun Munitions Range Safety
Deploying Munitions
Chemical Agents Diversionary Devices
Research &Trauma Instructional Techniques
*Gas Mask w/ appropriate filt
*Eye & Ear Protection *Pen & Paper
*Gloves (leather, nomex, kevlar or a combination)
Glasses (if you wear contacts)
Towel and/or change of clothes (for OC contamination & CS exposure drills)
*Hydration source
State/Government ID-suggested
**ALS will provide all munitions and training/instructor material to each student.
Class Schedule:
AM portion will be a Power Point presentation in a classroom. PM will be hands on & deploying munitions conducted at the range (or suitable area).
Day One: Begin @ 8:00AM - OC Aerosols & Level 1 OC exposure is not required but will be available if the student wishes at the end of the day. Chemical Agents & CS Exposure Drill (exposure to CS is simply breaking seal and clearing mask properly. It is not required.)
Day Two: Begin @ 8:00AM – Specialty Impact Munitions.
Day Three: Begin @ 8:00AM – Noise Flash Diversionary Devices.
Hosted by: Ruidoso Police Department, NM