Danger in Corrections: Why the Corrections Tactical Operator NEEDS to evolve


This video shows how dangerous, volatile and explosive the world of a Corrections Officer can be. The new times that we currently live in  different times. Times where inmates having cell phone in their cells with the ability to record themselves and all the things that go on inside their cells and pods.

As you can see from this video, Pepper Spray, sting ball grenades had “0” effect on the determined inmates. They know, expect and prepare for our tactics...the majority of most corrections tactical operations teams still use 1970’s era tactics....if you don’t think they know your tactics and are ready, you’re fooling yourself. Corrections NEEDS to wake up and realize that the days of the “knuckle dragger..6’2, 300lbs, line backer with a shield” are over! Those tactics will only get the officers, Inmate hurt or worse, eventually opening up the department for legal liability issues putting thousands of not millions in the inmates bank account.

We need to change, grow and adapt just like they do. Check the video out, learn and adapt. Be safe, be smart, be vigilant, train hard!!
