Training for the 21st Century Correctional Tactical Operations Professional
/Train,train, train! Always work on keeping your edge sharp...your opposition you?
Train,train, train! Always work on keeping your edge sharp...your opposition you?
The Tactics & Operations Group-US (TOG-US), LLC, is a training firm dedicated in instructing and creating proficient Corrections and Detention Special Operators. TOG-US, LLC, provides agencies with an affordable training opportunities, bringing quality training to its already existing teams thus helping agencies build proficient corrections teams and operators. TOG-US is among the few firms in the U.S. currently providing elite, tactical training to Correctional and Detention special operations teams. Having a tactical team that is well versed in the latest tactics and staying up to date in the latest developments’ on correctional tactics is crucial, not only saves lives but it reduces liability for the agency or department. TOG-US is also capable of hosting training at our Corrections Tactical Operations training center.